Getting rewards has never been easier.

Share your opinion, have fun and get paid for it.

With every survey you conduct, you create added value.

You can start your survey by answering these simple questions.

We need your opinion.

Answer these questions and add a little fun to your day.
And you can redeem your earnings,
by taking part in 1 - 2 surveys.
Patience is a virtue.
But you don't need it here.
The Home Depot
Yes, we provide fun even in the hours without surveys.
You can earn guaranteed rewards quickly, not only through the well-paying surveys, but also by participating in auctions, contests, games and referral programs.
Fun with Spin & Win

    There is more than one way to make money.

    Earn The Panel Station Coins as a sign-up bonus from referrals or by converting your points into coins.
    And use the coins to take part in our "Bid-to-Win" auction.
    Win great prizes and attractive vouchers.

    Wait, there's more.

    Do you want to become part of our fun online community? Follow us on social media and get the opportunity to take part in exciting and interesting competitions where you can win points, coins and gift vouchers.

    Get rewards for taking surveys and feel valued more often.